VANAVIL Avvaiyar Regular

VANAVIL Avvaiyar Regular is a Regular Type Fonts. It is downloaded 362555 Times by user. This font achive average ratting of 0 out of 5 star. Scroll down to for live preview, download and character Map of VANAVIL Avvaiyar Regular font.

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For users of the Tamil language, VANAVIL-Avvaiyar Regular is a well-liked Regular OpenType font. Our consumers choose and download this font the most because of its elegant and simple calligraphy in Tamil. This typeface is helpful for making banner ads and headings for blogs and articles. Additionally, this typeface can be used to create creative quotes and writing in Tamil. One of the most popular and downloaded fonts is this one. You can use our "Enter Your Text to Preview" feature to see how your preferred text will appear before downloading this font. With the use of this function, users can clearly see the type of Tamil fonts they are downloading and how their text will seem. Additionally, to learn more about the calligraphy design of this font, don't forget to look at the Character Map of VANAVIL-Avvaiyar Regular.

Font Information

Font Name VANAVIL Avvaiyar Regular
Font Version M/s. Vanavil Software, India. Vanavil Tamil Software 7.0 Email:[email protected]
Font Style Regular
Weight 400
Font Type TrueTypeFonts
Font Embedding Unknown
Font Tags Avvaiyar Regular VANAVIL
Number of Glyphs 204
Font File Size 96.7 KB
Total Downloads 362555
Font Rating 0/5

🔠VANAVIL Avvaiyar Regular Character Map

VANAVIL Avvaiyar Regular Character Map